The iconic Sentul Depot, nestled in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, is a historical gem. This charming venue, with its rustic, brick-built structures, offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern amenities. Today, Sentul Depot is being transformed into a vibrant cultural hub, hosting a variety of events, from art exhibitions and concerts to weddings and corporate functions. This historic site is the perfect backdrop for extraordinary events, capturing the essence of Kuala Lumpur's rich heritage.
Workshop 3
Area: 9526 sq ft
Capacity: 150 pax
Workshop 5
Area: 6480 sq ft
Workshop 6
Area: 68246 sq ft
Diesel Room
Area: 3897 sq ft
Sentul Sales Gallery
Jalan Strachan, Sentul West,
51100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
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